The Test Labs

Poking around in the cloud, hoping that it doesn't poke back

Deploying EKS Auto Mode with Terraform

Deploying EKS Auto Mode with Terraform

How to deploy Amazon's EKS Auto Mode with Terraform
EKS Auto Mode and Terraform

EKS Auto Mode and Terraform

An overview of EKS Auto mode and how Amazon are lowering the barrier to entry for using Kubernetes
Rewriting Local Git Commits

Rewriting Local Git Commits

How to rewrite your local commit messages before pushing your changes to the remote branch
How to Redirect a Route 53 Apex Domain

How to Redirect a Route 53 Apex Domain

How to Redirect a Route 53 Apex Domain Using S3 Static Website Hosting
Avoid Unexpected Cloud Costs With Infracost

Avoid Unexpected Cloud Costs With Infracost

Keep on top of AWS costs before they get on top of you with Infracost
Exploiting Common Serverless Security Flaws in AWS

Exploiting Common Serverless Security Flaws in AWS

A walkthrough of serverless exploits in Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB
Deploying Infrastructure With AWS, Terraform, and Github Actions

Deploying Infrastructure With AWS, Terraform, and Github Actions

Automating infrastructure deployments doesn't have to be painful